Tuesday 30 December 2008

A glass is a glass

Clueless cunts and scruffy twats. And kids on footy messageboards that think they're grand and wonderful and so fucking special... and they bang a drum and seventeen miles away 75,000 people watch a cunt called Ronaldo. Those Mr Premiership Fans.

Switch on talk sport and spit my views on Steeeevvviee Geeeeeeee and how he's been wronged. A married man out at 2.30am and Emile Heskey and Craig Bellamy and rugger is the new soccer and Danny Cipriani is on the front of Arena magazine. And he is shite. He is no Dan Carter. He is no Barry John. He is no Stuart Barnes. Just another clueless cunt and scruffy twat whose threads cost more than Everything I Own.


You sheltered me from harm
Kept me warm, kept me warm
You gave my life to me
Set me free, set me free
The finest years I ever knew
Were all the years I had with you

I would give anything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give ev'rything I own
Just to have you back again

But I am not Ken Boothe or David Gates or George O'Dowd.

And I am not Steeeevvviee Geeeeeeee and I am not in some shitty fucking nightclub called something with Lounge in it in some shitty town like Southport and I am not asking for Phil Collins or Coldplay. He should get ten years for asking for Phil Collins or Coldplay. But we can joke cos he's innocent until proved guilty. I mean he - or one of his party - only threw a glass or bottle (allegedly) and the kid that through a glass or bottle in that pub in Heywood is innocent until proved guilty but tell that to the partner of Emma O'Kane or her three children... But Michael Shepherd - for that is her partner's name - isn't Steeeevvviee Geeeeeeee and it doesn't matter does it?

It only matters if it's Steeeevvviee Geeeeeeee or some other overpaid wankfest of a footballer that the Mr Premiership Fans love so much. The man and his nail technician of a girlfriend or his £120,000 a week and his pay-offs to gangsters and her past and the transfer window opens in a few days and it's all so fucking great.

And all this time clueless cunts and scruffy twats check their footy messageboards and laugh and joke and accept that people kicking a bit of leather about can be paid £120,000 and they love it and they love the fact that the people they idolise can be in bars at 2.30am and aren't that bothered about glasses and bottles being thrown...

The Queen Anne Hotel in Heywood or the Lounge Inn in Southport. A bottle's a bottle... a glass is a glass.

Wish for what you want in the January transfer window you clueless cunts and scruffy twats...


  1. Excellent stuff Andy. Football, Rugby, fucking sport in general is wank nowadays. Tyldesley and his cohorts telling me how great this game of ours is. It's dead, sold it's soul to the highest bidder, full of divers and cheats, millionaires who have done fuck all.
    January is a depressing time don't you think?

  2. January is a depressing time don't you think?

    It's all depressing (insert smiley winky thing)

    £100,000 a week for Scott Parker tells you everything... Oh for the days of Mickey Worswick
